Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Seductive Charm of The First Post!

Take a look at the first blog entry on a random sample of a few of your friends' blogs. Chances are you'll find what I found recently while trying to decide what my first post should be: many blogs start with "This is my first post", "Finally, I've started blogging" or some variation on this general theme. Some of the blog entries stop there, while others go on to explain what the author will blog about and/or why the author is blogging. Eerily similar to the horde of "Programming in LanguageX" books which all start with a program to print "Hello, World". I'm betting, in ancient Egypt, after papyrus was invented, the first hieroglyphic diary started with "Dear Diary, I've decided to record my daily thoughts here" or something of that sort. I've never been any good as a rebel, so here goes my first post:
I'm blogging! This is my first post! As the name of the blog suggests, I'm a programmer* and I love coding. I hope to write about coding, programming languages, software development processes, problems I've faced (and their solution when I know them), how to teach others to code and people who inhabit the world of software development. Above all, I hope to blog regularly**.
There. I've done it. The first post in all its splendor is out there.

Let's talk about why people have this fascination with first posts.
  • I think we all have a fascination with beginnings. Count the number of people who make New Year resolutions, if you want evidence.
  • We like some fanfare when we begin an activity. And this might give us that initial determination to press ahead, till the activity becomes a habit.
  • If the first post makes the author think about and express his/her goals, it will probably help with the determination part as well.
What do you think? Have you done a "first post" blog? What was your motivation in doing that?

* Who obviously thinks he is God! Don't they all?
** Regularly = About once a week.

PS: If you are wondering "what is with the asterisks and footnotes", they are an attempt to ape my all time favorite author Terry Pratchett's style

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting first post! Welcome to the blog world. And yes, I also had "first post" blog. Guess that was because I wanted to explain myself to the world, and wanted people to welcome me! Human beings are always looking to (un)belong.